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"Exitos Del Recuerdo" by Selena

EMI MUSIC-CANADA Release/ 1995

Catalog#: 32850

Country: Canada

Formats Originally Available: CD, Cassette

Formats Now Available: CD, Cassette

Status: In Print

Buy This Album, Click Here. (N/A in the U.S)

Achievements: N/A


Review: N/A


Track Listings:

1. Baila Esta Cumbia

2. Ya Ves

3. Como La Flor

4. Tengo Ganas De Llorar

5. Vuelve A Mi

6. Que Creias?

7. Suki Yaki

8. Si La Quieres

9. Besitos


Album Notes: - Selena's Exitos y Recuerdos in the U.S has the same Track Listing.

- "Exitos Del Recuerdo" was scheduled for release in the U.S in Jan. 1, 2000 and then Jan 1, 2001, before eventually the release was canceled.

- Part of EMI CANADA's VALU+PLUS series.

- Total Tracks: 9/ Running Time: 28:23


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